Our Homes
Coming Soon
Here are just some of the exciting developments we are currently working on, each one a challenge, each one unique. They do, however, have a common theme; our flexible and individual approach to unlocking a site’s true potential. We are as happy solving the conservation issues of listed buildings as we are, creating bespoke designs in sensitive locations
South Gloucestershire
Our full detailed planning application for the erection of 47 dwellings with access provided from Church Lane, drop-off/parking area and coach turning point for St Andrew’s Primary School and St Andrew’s Church, public open space, drainage, provision of new footpath and widening of Church Lane, landscaping, and ancillary works will be going to Development Management Committee in Spring 2025.
South Somerset
Castle Cary
Our full detailed planning application for the erection of 29 dwellings, formation of vehicular and pedestrian access from Station Road, landscaping, parking, drainage, and other associated infrastructure works was determined at Somerset Planning South Committee on the 24th of September 2024 voting unanimous in favour of our scheme. Following a Resolution to Grant we are in the process of negotiating our S.106 agreement with Somerset Council.
We have been refused planning permission from the local authority regarding our proposals for 36 new homes. We will continue to promote the site through the emerging Local Plan in which we are draft allocated and continuing our discussions with Wiltshire Council.
Our full detailed planning application for 71 dwellings to include 21 no. affordable units and associated works including parking provision, highways improvements and refuse/recycling stores is yet to be determined.
View planning details on the link below.
Planning Application: PL/2024/02283 (wiltshire.gov.uk)
Our outline planning application for up to 55 dwellings with all matters reserved apart from access is yet to be determined.
View the planning details on the link below:
Planning Application: PL/2024/05435 (wiltshire.gov.uk)
We are currently promoting the site for up to 35 dwellings on the edge of the settlement. We have submitted representations to the emerging Bratton Neighbourhood Plan, and Wiltshire Council Draft Local Plan process.