Buying with Redcliffe
Process for Buying a New Home
Congratulations on your choice in buying a new Redcliffe home! We appreciate that buying a new home is one of the most important and stressful decisions you will make. We will therefore do our best to ensure that the process is as smooth and as stress free as possible.
We understand the importance of keeping you informed of progress and communicating with you on a regular basis. To help you appreciate how it all works we've set out below the main stages of your purchase:
When you reserve your new home by completing your reservation, our sales advisor will explain all the detailed aspects of your purchase, including reviewing the legal plan and other drawings, choices, specification, layout, materials, landscaping, and any management charges etc along with the provisional timescale for exchange and completion.
This is an important meeting so please take your time to review all the plans etc and ask any questions you wish. We want you to be fully informed of all the “little details” involved in buying your new home so that you are completely happy with your purchase.
Our sales advisors are chosen for their experience and friendly nature and want to help in any way they can so don’t be afraid to ask.

When you reserve your new home by completing your reservation, our sales advisor will explain all the detailed aspects of your purchase, including reviewing the legal plan and other drawings, choices, specification, layout, materials, landscaping, and any management charges etc along with the provisional timescale for exchange and completion.
This is an important meeting so please take your time to review all the plans etc and ask any questions you wish. We want you to be fully informed of all the “little details” involved in buying your new home so that you are completely happy with your purchase.
Our sales advisors are chosen for their experience and friendly nature and want to help in any way they can so don’t be afraid to ask.

When you reserve your new home by completing your reservation, our sales advisor will explain all the detailed aspects of your purchase, including reviewing the legal plan and other drawings, choices, specification, layout, materials, landscaping, and any management charges etc along with the provisional timescale for exchange and completion.
This is an important meeting so please take your time to review all the plans etc and ask any questions you wish. We want you to be fully informed of all the “little details” involved in buying your new home so that you are completely happy with your purchase.
Our sales advisors are chosen for their experience and friendly nature and want to help in any way they can so don’t be afraid to ask.

Being able to personalise your new home is just one of the many attractions of buying a Redcliffe home and here we can assist!
We have a wide range of standard internal fixtures and fittings, such as kitchen units, wall tiling etc from which you can select your personal choices.
In addition, we offer a range of indulgences which can also be incorporated within your home to make it just that bit special for you.
Please ask our sales advisor for a list of Indulgences and their cost.
Please note that it will only be possible to include specific indulgences depending on the stage of construction as it may be too late to install some fittings, for example electrical items.
The earlier you make your choices and indulgences therefore the better to give you greater flexibility and choice.
We cannot make structural alterations or changes to the layout.

Whilst we work to an approved build programme as our homes are built by hand, often in inclement weather, and may be subject to shortages in the supply of materials or labour, it is not possible to be precise on predicting when your home will be ready for inspection and approval by the authorities.
However, the later the stage of construction, for example once the roof has been constructed or when the home is being decorated, we can give you a more accurate completion date.

Once we are happy that your new home meets our own high quality standards and is ready for occupation we will serve a Notice to Complete, which is a formal notice requiring completion to take place on a fixed date.
We understand you need time to book removals, deal with the paperwork, arrange for schooling, organise new connections etc and so we allow a fifteen working day notice period, although this can be shorter if we agree.
We hope this period will give you sufficient time in which to properly prepare for your move, rather than feeling under pressure or rushed.
Again, if you have a problem please let our sales advisor know as soon as possible.
You might find it helpful to search for one of the many websites listing all the items you will need to deal with when moving home.

Approximately ten days before legal completion we will arrange a visit for you to inspect your new home and for us to show off our work!
It’s an opportunity for us to explain the benefits of your new home, along with the workings of the central heating, electrics and appliances.
It is also an opportunity for you to inspect your new home and to spot any snagging items you want us to pick up.

The day you’ve been waiting for!
We legally complete when your solicitor has transferred the balance of the purchase price and our solicitors are happy that we can release the house keys to you.
Well done!
Our sales advisor will meet you at the property on the day of completion to hand over the keys, read the meters and ensure everything is in order.
You will be asked to sign a handover form with the meter readings recorded and confirming that all the appliances and fittings listed are in order.
No doubt you will be both exhausted and yet exhilarated!
Take time to settle in noting any niggles you might spot which we will happily deal with.

Our sales advisor and site manager will pop in to check all is running smoothly during your first week and our head office will also be in contact within fourteen days of completion to arrange a “meet & greet” with you. This is where we explain the main workings of your new home and discuss the development so you have a better understanding of your new surroundings. It is also your opportunity to raise any issues or snagging items which we will deal with.
We hope these will be few and far between, but things can arise, especially when the heating is turned on.
After completion responsibility for your new home is transferred to our customer service team who can be contacted at [email protected] However, should you have an emergency then please contact out customer service team by calling 01454 316633, during normal office hours and they will action any work require. Alternatively contact the emergency out of hours numbers in your handover pack should this be necessary.