Old Sodbury, Gloucestershire

Dyrham View

Discover a range of beautifully designed 2, 3, and 4-bedroom homes at Dyrham View on the edge of the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This new collection of homes in the ancient village of Old Sodbury is surrounded by enchanting countryside views and popular walking routes, with easy access to the M4, M5, Bristol and Bath.

Plot House Style No. Beds Availability Offers & Incentives
1 Dyrham 3 Bedroom TO BE RELEASED
2 Banbury 4 Bedroom SOLD
3 Axminster 2 Bedroom SOLD
4 Axminster 2 Bedroom SOLD
8 Banbury 4 Bedroom £645,000
9 Dyrham 3 Bedroom RESERVED
10 York 4 Bedroom £575,000
11 Banbury 4 Bedroom £660,000
12 York 4 Bedroom £580,000
13 Banbury 4 Bedroom £675,000
14 Banbury 4 Bedroom £655,000
15 York 4 Bedroom £580,000
16 Sherston 3 Bedroom £455,000
17 Sherston 3 Bedroom RESERVED
18 Sherston 3 Bedroom £435,000
19 Foxham 3 Bedroom TO BE RELEASED
20 Sherston 3 Bedroom TO BE RELEASED
27 Axminster 2 Bedroom SOLD
28 Axminster 2 Bedroom SOLD
32 Foxham 3 Bedroom SOLD
33 Foxham 3 Bedroom SOLD
34 Berkeley 2 Bedroom RESERVED
35 Berkeley 2 Bedroom SOLD

Dyrham View, Old Sodbury, Gloucestershire BS37 6LU


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The Dyrham

360 Property Tour

Sit back and enjoy a tour around 'The Dyrham' at Dyrham View, Old Sodbury.


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Dyrham View Enquiries

Redcliffe Homes

T - 01454 802079
E - [email protected]

All visits by pre-booked appointment only

Opening Hours:
The sales office is open Thursday - Monday 10am - 4pm.

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