Protecting our Environment
Building sustainable homes is an essential part of what we do, keen to promote sustainable development on all of our schemes, working with local communities to create developments that make a positive contribution towards the Environment and the local community.
We may not always get the balance right, but we always try to strike a fair balance between the many competing demands on development for urgently needed new homes.
Needless to say, our employees are all enthusiastic about protecting and promoting the ideals of sustainable living, ensuring that, as a company, we do actually “walk the walk”, delivering on our promises.
Here are just some of the actions we are taking to protect and improve our Environment and your well being.
Designing sustainable developments
Designing our developments taking advantage of natural light and orientation to the sun.
Designing extensive cycleways and footpaths in our developments.
Incorporating existing landscape features whilst reinforcing the green environment with additional tree planting and shrubs, making for a green environment.
Reducing Your Energy Costs
Installing air source heat pumps, electric heating and photovoltaic solar panels
Building highly insulated timber frame homes
Providing electric car charging points
Incorporating smart technology to control energy costs in the home
Providing highest rated energy efficient appliances
Building your home
Taking pride in the quality of our homes and incorporating modern methods of construction
Designing-out complexity to avoid waste
Improving air tightness and energy in your homes
Adopting the “fabric first” approach to improving energy efficiency
Encouraging Health & Wellbeing
Incorporating extensive footpaths and cycleways
Creating large ares of open space in which to relax
Protecting and enchaining the green environment
Protecting the Enviroment & Wildlife
Engaging ecology enhancing facilities to encourage wildlife and biodiversity
Installing badger setts, bat and bird boxes
Creating wildlife ‘oases’/ponds to encourage wildlife
Applying biodiversity net gain principles
Working with the Local Community
Working with the local community to minimise disruption during construction
Involving local schools in our projects and making financial contributions to local charities
Encouraging our purchasers to manage their environment via a resident’s management company
Providing community facilities, for example - Community shop, local museum and art centre